If you are old enough to remember the Clangers from tv series in the Seventies, then you are going to love the sounds that this sliding whistle will produce, a great way to encourage children to learn music.
It is a great little item, perfect for use as a lovely gift or stocking filler, nice and traditional, or an unusual instrument gift for a musical friend, as they are not decorated, they could be used at decorate your own party activities, classroom arts and crafts or individual crafting.
23cm in length when extended or 16cm when shortened | 9 inches extended 6.5 inches when shortened.
Just whistle while you work with these fun wooden sliding whistles, they will provide so much entertainment, Fun instrument to play anywhere, create an infinite array of musical arrangements with this slide whistle
Slide whistles are sometimes known as a swanee or swannee whistle, piston flute or jazz flute, they are a wind instrument consisting of a fipple like that found on a recorder and a tube with a piston in it. It thus has an air reed like some woodwind instrument, but you can vary the pitch with a slide. The construction is rather like a bicycle pump