These TIN KAZOOS are constructed just like they used to be, using the ORIGINAL 1930’S TOOLING, unlike modern Kazoos the MEMBRANE is REPLACEABLE so the Kazoo should last for many many years.
The Kazoo produces buzzing sound when you hum, sing, or speak into it, the quality of the sound is very much dependant on the standard of the player. IF YOU CAN SING OR HUM IN TUNE, THEN YOU WILL BE ABLE TO PLAY THE KAZOO.
With practice you will quickly become an expert and will soon be able to appreciate the quality of the sound that this little instrument can produce. To play the kazoo, hold the instrument horizontally with one hand and put your lips around the wider, flattened end. Since the kazoo requires humming instead of blowing, practice humming different syllables like do, who, brr, and rrr into the instrument.
The kazoo is presented in a tube so makes a great FUN PRESENT and even includes an information sheet that details the history of this fascinating fun musical instrument as well as INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO PLAY
While kazoos are perhaps considered a …. comedy instrument – and for excellent reason, they have been known to get serious and can sound great when accompanying a guitar or piano