NINE MANS MORRIS IS AN ANCIENT STRATEGY BOARD GAME that has captivated minds for centuries. Also SOMETIMES KNOWN AS MILL, this intriguing game offers players a chance to showcase their strategic thinking, planning, and tactical abilities.
With a history dating back thousands of years, Nine Mans Morris has stood the test of time, captivating players across cultures and generations.
This set is SUPPLIED WITH A SUSTAINABLY SOURCED WOODEN PLAYING BOARD AND INCLUDES 20 GLASS MARBLES, the wooden board measures 14cm square | 5.5 inches square, please note that the colours of the glass marbles provided may vary from those illustrated, a cotton storage bag is supplied to keep the marbles safe whilst in storage.
Nine Mans Morris is a GAME OF SKILL AND STRATEGY, where players must carefully plan their moves and anticipate their opponents strategies.
The game is played by two players, each starting with nine pieces, usually called men or stones. The game progresses in three stages: placement, movement, and mill form.