Carefully made using ANTIQUE FINISH BRASS this replica ALIDADE will give your desk a stylish and classy touch, these are replicas of antique surveying theodolite, precision optical instruments.
These were used for measuring angles between designated visible points in the horizontal and vertical planes. The traditional use was for land surveying, but they were also used extensively for building and infrastructure construction, and some specialized applications such as meteorology and rocket launching
Measures 10cm (h) x 7cm in diameter | 4inches (H) x 2.75 inches in diameter
This ALIDADE COMPASS WITH TELESCOPE AND BUBBLE LEVEL IS A BEAUTIFUL NAUTICAL GEM, the perfect decoration for spaces such as desktops, bookshelves, mantles, and more.
This brass alidade has a magnetic compass mounted beneath it for guaranteed accurate readings as well as a bubble level placed on the telescope for precise sightings. Three adjustable leg-screws are included for perfect balance.