The Three Best Things to Cook with a Cast-Iron Skillet

Photo source: Keiko Oikawa via Nigella
A skillet is one of the most versatile kitchen accessories you can own. The virtually indestructible pan can be used for numerous different dishes. Due to it being made from cast-iron it enables it to distribute heat evenly and to retain this heat too.
The list of foods that can be cooked using a cast-iron skillet is endless but here are our best five:
A dutch baby is a crossover of a pancake and a popover; think savoury Yorkshire pudding! There are plenty of amazing recipes online but we are particularly partial to this one from Nigella
One of the pros of cooking a cookie cake in a skillet is that the outside of the cookie goes perfectly crunchy whilst the middle is still soft! We're big fans of this recipe from Bon Appetit.
Similarly to the cookies, using a cast iron pan allows you to get a proper crispy bottom to your pizza, meaning no more soggy bottoms! There's nothing quite like homemade pizza! Try this recipe here!
Shop our skillets here!