Why EVERYONE Needs A Suncatcher | Benefits of Suncatchers

It is believed that there are many benefits to having suncatchers in your home. With them being described as the optical version of a wind chime you may be asking why you should pick one up today! 


  • Improving your Feng Shui 

When the suncatcher 'catches' the light, it then transforms it into many directions which as a result spreads it around the room. This act of bringing the sunlight into a dark area helps to brighten up and quite literally bring the light in. The result being it can bring good feng shui into the area.


  • Instant Pick Me Up

When the sun shines through small rainbow light will fill the room, and won't only impact your feng shui but also your mood! They are the perfect little pick me up, especially during these uncertain times!


  • So 2020!

In recent months there has been an increase in suncatchers on Instagram, and why not? When the light shines through they are truly beautiful! It's not only the internet world that has gone crazy for them but also the likes of Architectural Digest who say that everyone should have one!


Get your magical suncatcher today and add some rainbow magic to your life!



1 comment

  • We love this. Looking for something special for our new house. How much is this please.


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